hashtag how to use hashtags effectively

The Art of the Hashtag: How to Use Hashtags Effectively on Social Media

Introduction to Hashtags

If you’re a regular user of social media, you’ve definitely seen #hashtags. You’ve probably used them too! But how can you use them more effectively?

Hashtags are keywords or phrases preceded by the # symbol, and they help categorize and organize content on social media. They’re a quick and easy way for users to find and join conversations on a specific topic. They’re also a powerful tool to increase reach and engagement on social media.

So, whether you’re a seasoned social media user or a newcomer, I hope that by the end of this post, you’ll have learnt something new about hashtags and how to use them to your advantage. Let’s dive in!

The Purpose of Hashtags in Social Media

When we think about hashtags, most of us associate them with Twitter and its 280 characters limit. But over time hashtags have become a staple in all major social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and even TikTok.

Hashtags were created to categorize and organize content like tags, making it easier for users to find and follow relevant conversations, topics, or events. It’s a simple yet powerful way to connect people with similar interests or goals, creating online communities and fostering engagement. Adding a hashtag to a post makes it more easily discoverable by other users who search for that hashtag.

That means they can be used to join ongoing conversations, making your voice heard in a crowded social media landscape and reaching new people.

How to Choose the Right Hashtags for Your Content

Hashtags are a great way to increase the visibility of your content on social media, but choosing the right ones is sometimes challenging.

The first step is: know your audience. Who are you trying to reach with your content? What are their interests, and what hashtags are they using? Researching your audience will help you understand the hashtags they are using and help you choose the right ones for your content.

Then, consider the theme of your post. What is the main topic? What hashtags are related to this theme? Look for hashtags relevant to your content, but also consider the hashtag’s popularity. If the hashtag is too popular, it may be hard to get your content noticed. On the opposite side, your hashtag may not reach your target audience if it is not popular enough. A delicate balance!

It can be also very useful to use tools to help you choose the right hashtags. You can find these online, and they can be fundamental in helping you choose the right hashtags. Just search for “hashtag generators” and “hashtag research“. They can help being sure you’re using the right hashtags to reach your target audience.

One final important note is: don’t overdo it! Don’t use too many hashtags in your content. It’s best to use 2-3 hashtags in each post, as using too many hashtags can be overwhelming and turn off your audience as it looks spammy.

As usual, remember to keep experimenting and monitoring your results. See which hashtags are working for you and which ones aren’t. Then, adjust your strategy accordingly.

The Dos and Don’ts of Hashtag Use

When it comes to using hashtags, there are some best practices that are good to follow to maximize your chances:


  1. Research relevant hashtags for your content and put them in a list.
  2. Use a combination of popular and niche hashtags.
  3. Use hashtags consistently to build brand recognition.
  4. Limit the number of hashtags to 2-3 on Twitter, and 5-10 on Instagram.
  5. Update your hashtag list regularly to stay current.


  1. Don’t use irrelevant hashtags just for the sake of using them.
  2. Don’t use hashtags that are too broad or generic.
  3. Don’t use too many hashtags, as it can come across as spammy.
  4. Don’t use hashtags that have negative connotations or are controversial.
  5. Don’t use hashtags that are misspelt or not commonly used.

As we dive deeper into hashtags, we can’t avoid discussing the power of trending hashtags and how to use them effectively. Trending hashtags are hashtags that are currently popular and widely used. These hashtags are a great way to join trending conversations.

There are though a few things to keep in mind when it comes to using trending hashtags. First, it’s essential to ensure the trending hashtag is relevant to your content. If your post is about your pet cat, using a trending hashtag about dogs might be irrelevant or even make your post look spammy.

Another important factor to consider when using trending hashtags is timing. Using a trending hashtag on a new post for an event that has already passed will not not look good! So make sure to join the conversation at the right time!

I also recommend even more than with other kind of hashtags not overusing trending hashtags in your posts. Using too many trending hashtags will make your post look spammy. Choose only a few relevant trending hashtags and organically include them in your post.

The Importance of Hashtag Research

As we said before, hashtags are essential to social media marketing. But choosing the right hashtags is what will make a huge difference in the success of your content. That’s why hashtag research is so important.

We often get caught up in using the same hashtags over and over again, thinking that they will always work for us. But the truth is, hashtags are often constantly changing and evolving, and what worked for us yesterday may not work for us today.

So hashtag research helps us find and research the best hashtags to use for our content now. This involves looking at popular, trending, and competitor hashtags to see what is working well for others.

There are a few different methods that we can use, including:

  • Using hashtag research tools: these tools can show us the most popular and trending hashtags and help us track the performance of our hashtags over time.
  • Monitoring social media trends: keeping an eye on what’s trending can also help us with our hashtag research. We can use hashtags relevant to current events or popular topics on social media to reach a wider audience.
  • Analyzing competitor hashtags: Looking at the hashtags of our competitors is always a valuable research method. This can help us to see what is working well for them and give us ideas for hashtag strategy.

The Benefits of Consistently Using Hashtags

When it comes to almost anything about social media marketing, consistency is the key. This includes the use of hashtags.

One of the main benefits of consistently using hashtags is increased reach. Including relevant hashtags consistently with your posts makes it easier for more people to find your content over time.

You’ll also likely see improved engagement. People are more likely to engage with your content if they see it more than once, even more by using relevant hashtags with a longer lifespan.

Last but not least, using hashtags consistently help you to build your brand and increase your online presence. When people see your content consistently, they will start associating your brand with the hashtags you use, making it more likely for them to recognize and connect with your brand in the future.

The Future of Hashtags in Social Media

If we look at the ever-changing social media history, one thing remains constant: hashtags. These little symbols have become integral to our online conversation, connecting like-minded individuals and bringing attention to important topics and movements. So, what does the future hold for hashtags?

Well, one thing’s for sure, they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon! It’s safe to say that hashtags will continue to play a significant role. As technology and social media platforms evolve, hashtags will probably remain a staple.

One trend we’re already seeing is the increased use of branded hashtags. More and more companies are creating their unique hashtags to promote their products, events, and campaigns. This helps them connect with their target audience and creates a sense of community and brand loyalty.

Another exciting development in the future of hashtags is the increased use of Artificial Intelligence. This technology can help users find relevant hashtags for their content and predict which hashtags will be popular. With the help of AI tools managing and analysing their accounts, users can streamline their hashtag research and ensure that the right people see their content.

And, of course, using a tool like Tweetify It to help you master the art of hashtags can make all the difference…

Mastering the Art of Hashtag: Use with Tweetify It

We’ve all been there, trying to find the right hashtags for our posts!

Tweetify It uses AI to understand and summarize your content and create Twitter (and optionally Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram) posts for you. You can specify the tone, what topics to keep or ignore, mentions, length, and even language.

The best part is that you can choose the hashtags you want to use or let Tweetify It AI decide based on its content analysis and context.

Tweetify It is a pay-as-you-go service with no subscription required. You can top up your credits whenever you need them, and there’s a free trial for new users, with 50 free lifetime credits for your first posts.

With Tweetify It, you can be sure that your content is always perfectly summarized and that your hashtags are carefully chosen.

Try Tweetify It today and take your social media game to the next level! And remember: give me some feedback and tell me what you think about it, and you’ll get more free credits!

Giancarlo Erra

My name is Giancarlo Erra and I am a creative entrepreneur with a diverse background in the arts and technology. As a composer, producer, and IT engineer, I have spent over 20 years working in the creative industry as a studio engineer, producer, and IT consultant. I am also the Director of Widescreen Studio Limited and the CEO of Words.Tel Limited, founder of Copy Forge AI, as well as the co-founder of Audioshapes AI and the founder of Nosound band. I love minimalism, creativity and the humble beauty of simple ideas. Tweetify It is brought to you by Widescreen Studio Limited. If you encounter any problems, have any questions, or have suggestions for improvement, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]